Florian Schroiff

Florian Schroiff

Front-end developer with a love for online publishing


  • Walking encyclopedia of obscure German rap from the ‘90s
  • Flex all the boxes!
  • Best father (according to at least 50% of my two kids)

Front-end developer (in the broadest sense of the word)

As of January 2021 I am part of the Level Level front-end team. We create HTML/CSS/JS files that turn designs into working websites. Having built my first WordPress site in 2004, it’s safe to say that I have considerable experience with the platform 👴🏻. I spent most of 2020 working on a vue.js application, which is a bit different, but also really fun.

In 2023 my colleague Fabio and I produced and recorded a course about advanced accessible components for the A11y Collective.

Starting mid-2023 I have been splitting my time between front-end and web accessibility consultancy.

A  ♥️ for online publishing

I like to read smart (and/or dumb) things on the web; therefore, I do everything in my power to enable people to publish smart (and/or dumb) things on the web. Working with creative people to get their work online is one of the great joys in life, and that is the tie that binds my personal interests to my professional life. For example, I co-founded two notable Rotterdam-centric publishing platforms: We Own Rotterdam and Vers Beton. Both are fine examples of sophisticated content and flawless technical execution. Feels good man.

Level Level & myself

Level Level works for publishing titans like Business Insider and HP/De Tijd. I would love to use the lessons we learn and techniques we use in those projects to address the needs of smaller independent publications. Perhaps we could create a suite of smart microservices, or even develop a WordPress based SaaS-product so smaller clients could pick and choose precisely what they need without getting in over their heads. I would really like that! Until then I will help build the solid, accessible and pretty sites Level Level is known for.

Florian with his daughter

Art is dope

I attended art school (the AKI in Enschede, class of 2005), but I already enjoyed art long before. I come from the German city Münster where every 10 years there is a large open-air exposition of modern sculpture-art. I visited an installation by Rebecca Horn in 1987 that really made an impression on me as a little kid. It consisted of 42 small mechanical hammers in a medieval prison. Rotterdam also has a bunch of weird art in public spaces. Maybe that is the reason why I like it here so much!

On the couch in the evening

My music taste can differ vastly from time to time. I like everything from Oneohtrix Point Never to 100 gecs, as long as it’s super annoying. 🤡

I really love to read (mainly fantasy / sci-fi), but finding time can be a real challenge with all the distractions in life. The most mind-bending book I read in recent years is Sisyphean from Dempow Torishima. If I don’t succeed in reading I will just watch an episode of ST:TNG on Netflix. Engage!

Tell us more about your plans and ambitions!

We are ready to take on your online challenge.