Case: Radar and Art.1
Hard to report discrimination? Not anymore!
What’s better than one beautiful website? Right, two beautiful websites! And that’s exactly what we developed for RADAR. In terms of structure, they are largely similar, yet we really gave them both their own look & feel. How did we do that? You can read that in this case!
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The project: Two target groups, one mission
RADAR is the agency for equal treatment and anti-discrimination in Rotterdam, Tilburg, Eindhoven and 50 other municipalities in Zuid-Holland and Brabant (the Netherlands). Art.1 is a sister organisation of RADAR and is the national centre of knowlegde for discrimination. The organisations stand for a diverse and inclusive society. RADAR told us that the former websites worked fine, but were visibly outdated and contained a jumble of information. That’s why they asked us to give the websites for both organisations a clear and fresh new look. We are always very happy to work on initiatives like this. So let’s get our hands dirty!

The goals: Collect discrimination reports and share knowledge
RADAR and Art.1 have totally different target groups, but the objectives of both sites are largely the same. The objectives were:
- Organizing information on equal treatment and relevant social developments and making them easy to find.
- A new, modern and calm looking website.
- Exude inclusiveness and be accessible to everyone.
- Draw more attention to the wide range of training courses, workshops, advice and research assignments.
- Contribute to the good reputation of both organizations.
- Addressing potential partners who are also committed to equal treatment.
- For RADAR, the specific wish was to be able to collect discrimination reports and complaints from citizens who are discriminated against.
- For Art.1 there was a desire to be able to offer publications and knowledge of the organization in a simple way.
“The challenge was to create two websites that both had their own look & feel, but would also belong to the same ‘family’. It was also our task to ensure that reporting discrimination would be easy for the user. Did we succeed? Well, take a look for yourself! 😉”
The approach: The differences and similarities side by side
In order to get to know each other and the project, we sat down with every person concerned. We listed the various functionalities required for both websites and discussed the similarities and differences between the two sites. Based on the many similarities, we made one foundation for the design. We then personalised this design for both sites by adding specific blocks and giving the sites their own colours. For RADAR we chose colours that radiate warmth and humanity and for Art.1 we chose specifically colours that radiate authority and impartiality.

“There was already a real connection in the first conversation following the request for a proposal. We had drawn up a comprehensive document with our wishes and needs. Level Level responded well to them. Not with ready-made solutions, but with a way of working.”
The solution: See at a glance where to report discrimination
The most important wish for the RADAR website was to be able to report discrimination easily. That is why we added a button in the navigation at the top of the website. This Call to Action button for reporting discrimination is always in the same place on the website. In this way, there is no confusion for the visitor. Simple, but effective! After clicking on the “Report discrimination” button, the visitor has to fill in a form. To ensure that the form is easy to maintain by the editors, it has been set up with Gravity Forms. For Art. 1 we have focused more on the ability to share publications.
Because both websites are similar in terms of maintenance and working methods in the back-end, it is easy for the editors to maintain the sites. They can use the same way of working, but have the possibility to add or explain the required content.
The result: Easy to find your way around and more content creation
RADAR told us the enthusiasm for the new websites within the organisation has led to more blogs and other content being created. As a result, there is more and more to be found on the websites! The realisation of a clear and calm website has also been a success. Whether you are an HR professional looking for training or an employee who wants to report discrimination, everyone finds their way here just as easily.

“We were positively surprised by how many specialists of Level Level joined at the first meeting. An entire conference table full. The result is what you might expect from such a team. And we also had a regular contact throughout the process where we could ask all our questions.”

Challenges we tackled
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